Re: Kerberos availability (Re: NIS)

Daniel Azuelos (
Wed, 19 Apr 1995 23:49:10 +0200 (MET DST)

Dan Riley wrote:

| der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> writes:
| > The kerberos implementation is not exportable
| There is the "bones" version of Kerberos version 4, which has the
| encryption routines and all the encryption calls stripped out.  This
| is exportable, and I believe the work of combining the bones version
| with a non-US implementation of DES has been done (at least once).

Bag of "bones": no value. And worse than Kerberos v4. Der Mouse is
perfectly right.

| > and I've never heard of an exportable spec being available and thus
| > code potentially redeveloped somewhere in the civilized part of the
| > world.
dan                 ½If looks could kill, they probably will, ....╗